Speaking IELTS part 2 & 3

Describe some useful skills you learned in a math class from you primary or high school

You should say:


-     What the skill was 

-     How you learned it 

-     Who taught you  

-     And why it was useful to you

Dec 31,2018

My all-time favorite Math lesson was quite a long time ago. It brought me a lot of essential

skills that I still remember vividly until now. They were creativity and time management.


At that time, I have passed the entrance exam with flying colors at Nguyen Hue high school and attended the first lesson. The lesson focused on how to calculate the inequation. At first, my teacher provided us with theoretical knowledge and then required us to apply what we had learned to do the exercises in about 10 minutes. What impressed me were my teacher’s dedication and also the lively atmosphere in the class. I needed to pull out all the stops to find the solutions for the exercise, therefore, I realized that I could learn several vital skills from this lesson.


To me, they were some skills that provoked me a lot in my studying. Firstly, my teacher was the person who taught me to think outside the box and find a different way to solve the Math exercise. Although I was a bit reserved, I plucked up my courage to raise my hands and  gave  the  answer, then  I  received highly  complement by  producing the  accurate outcome, which made me genuinely happy. Secondly, time management was also a thing that I realized after this lesson. I could control and divide my limited time into small parts to make sure that all tasks would be completed.


Actually, if I had a time-machine, I would definitely choose to go back time and involve in

the lesson again because it taught me the indispensible skills in my life.

